Health Impacts

There is a growing tide of evidence highlighting the danger to human health of air pollution and physical inactivity.  Some of this is referred to here:

Lifelong impact of air pollution

In February 2016, The Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health published a report outlining the lifelong impact of air pollution:


6 page summary


20 page summary


Main report

Physical Activity Infographic


Lack of exercise responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity

A major study by the University of Cambridge, looking at over 334,00 European man and women has found that lack of exercise is responsible for twice as many deaths as obesity.  Just a 20 minute brisk walk every day could significantly improve people’s health.

Air pollution kills

The Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants, in its report The Mortality Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution in the United Kingdom estimates that up to 29,000 people a year are dying prematurely due to particulate air pollution.


Exercise can outweigh harmful impacts of air pollution

This is the conclusion of an extensive Danish study which reported in March 2015.  It studied over 52,000 people from Aarhus and Copenhagen in Denmark.

Pre-natal exposure to air pollution affects child development

That’s the startling new evidence from research carried out in America.  It found that pre-natal exposure to air pollution impacted upon the development of children’s brains which led to more severe symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), aggression and slow processing on cognitive tasks.

More information

The Healthy Air Campaign is  network of organisations that work together to fight for our right to breath clean air.  It’s website contains a wealth of information and advice.