Highways England doesn’t seem to have learnt any lessons from the two judicial reviews it was threatened with last year over its proposals for the A27 at Arundel. It is still publishing inaccurate information and it is still insisting that 70mph, highly damaging dual carriageways are appropriate. This is hardly having regard to the special purposes of the South Downs National Park, for apart from a tokenistic option that skirts the Park (that’s unrealistic as it is so expensive and still very damaging), it has changed little in its approach.
Fortunately, there is a solution, the Arundel Alternative, that local people have come up with that would resolve the hold ups at Arundel at peak times. This would involve a small length of 40mph wide single carriageway from Crossbush to the Ford Roundabout. It would be far cheaper to build and cause far less damage and would be unlikely to impact on the South Downs National Park.
However, for it to have a chance of going forward we need your help. Please respond to Highways England’s consultation that runs until 11:59 pm, 24th October, 2019.
Please fill in the online questionnaire where we would recommend selecting ‘do nothing’ but then add in the comment box that you support a 40mph wide single carriageway between Crossbush and Ford roundabout (the Arundel Alternative) instead.
Or select the ‘beige’ or ‘cyan’ routes but then add in the comment box that while you support the alignment, you don’t support a 70mph dual carriageway and would rather see a 40mph wide single carriageway between Crossbush and Ford roundabout (the Arundel Alternative) instead.
To find out more information and to get more guidance on how to respond to Highways England’s consultation please see the new Arundel Alternative website. Or you can find more info on Arundel SCATE’s leaflet.
If you don’t have time to fill in the questionnaire but would like to support the Arundel Alternative, please email Highways England at: A27ArundelBypass@
- All options will increase carbon emissions and make it harder to meet legal target of net-zero carbon by 2050
- Don’t believe there is a need for the capacity on the A27 – future traffic projections have nearly always overestimated demand (and we actually need to see traffic reduction)
- Want the money invested in sustainable transport instead and a cheaper, less damaging road (the Arundel Alternative) avoiding the current bottlenecks
- Will destroy ancient woodland and harm the South Downs National Park
Many thanks!